Simarco deliver the Guinness ahead of St Patrick’s Day
As St Patrick’s Day was approaching, the Simarco team were busy ensuring that a 3000 kgs air cargo project was delivered on time for the Guinness Gives Back 1m Hours Pledge.
Our job was to air freight, deliver and help set up a kinetic brand display experience for the City of Chicago Plaza during a small window on the 9th March.
Meeting the complex criteria required hours of planning from our Air Cargo Team. Coordinating through our US partners, many calls were made in the early hours of the morning to ensure the delivery met with the brand’s social impact initiative.

The display generates electricity from visitors footsteps on an energy floor, which helps to unlock community service donations as part of the Guinness Gives Back 1m Hours Pledge.
Guinness donates $1 million to food banks across America and this project encourages the US public to donate voluntary community hours, targeting 1 million hours between now and January 2024.
Simarco were honoured to have been involved in such a worthy project and pleased to have helped by delivering on time, ahead of St Patrick’s Day.