Team Simarco walked To China (and almost half way back)

Simarco staff successfully completed their ‘Walk to China’ challenge this week, and very nearly managed to walk half of the way back.

Thankfully, this did not lead to team members relinquishing their work duties and heading off to arrive in Beijing for the summer. The challenge was to collectively walk 4,846 miles, the equivalent of walking from the UK to China, between January 9th and February 28th.

We are delighted to confirm that the team completed 6,575 miles over the seven-week period; which means they walked an additional 1,729 miles!

The Simarco Connections organised the competition to promote a healthy start to 2023 and invited all staff to get out walking and recording their steps. 

Simarco felt this would be a great initiative for staff wellbeing and followed the team’s progress with great interest.  As it turned out, they exceeded expectations and would probably have been in Kazakhstan when the task ended; on their way back.

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