Simarco International Limited & Simarco Holdings Ltd

Simarco is a growing private UK logistics business, has and continues to be, committed to applying the highest standards of ethical business practice in all its’ operations.

As part of this, Simarco believes that modern slavery and human trafficking are abhorrent and is committed to not tolerating any practices that are or may be perceived to be modern slavery or human trafficking, within the company itself or within our supply chain. We also recognise that slaver, forced and/or compulsory labour and the trafficking of persons for any purpose is a serious global issue and we are taking necessary steps to ensure that this does not take place.

Simarco is solely based in the UK and operates logistics services with its’ partner logistic companies worldwide. Each of our partners undergo a range of checks, prior to Simarco entering into an agreement with them, which includes a commitment to follow Simarco’s ABC and Modern Slavery policies. We also have several policies, and statements relevant to Modern Slavery which our partners must adhere to. these include our Business Code of Conduct and Ethics, Supplier Code of Conduct, Human Rights Policy, Ethical Sourcing Policy, Sustainability Charter and Whistleblowing Policy. These commitments are renewed periodically.

In addition to partners, where Simarco subcontracts logistics services each subcontractor must complete a supplier application form which contains a commitment to the above listed policies and statements.

Simarco does not believe, given the structure and nature of its’ business, that there is a high risk of there being a breach of the modern slavery legislation within its’ supply chain. In choosing our partners and areas to work in, Simarco considers numerous factors including the Transparency International Corruption Index which we believe has a strong correlation with the prevalence of modern slavery in these countries and will not undertake work directly in or with companies based in, countries with low scores.

Simarco will also not conduct business with service providers, agents or sub-contractors in higher risk locations or undertaking higher risk tasks, which do not support Simarco’s anti-slavery and human trafficking objectives and commit to follow them.

Simarco looks to ensure that all employees are aware of the requirements of the modern slavery and human trafficking legislation as part of the employee handbook, which is reviewed and updated annually. Staff are advised when the handbook has been updated and it is available to all staff on-line. The company has a clear process for staff, partners, subcontractors, and others to raise any concerns that they may have within the supply chain.